How to write and submit your journal

We’ll guide you through the process, step by step.

Select your journal topic

Journal topics and outlines are already approved, so you don’t need to create your own. Just, select the subtopics that match your experience.

Communication arts

Topics include American Sign Language, interviewing, proposal writing and public speaking.

Communication arts


Topics include history of religion, appreciation of the arts, contemporary Southwest cultures and many more.



Topics include sales, management and retail principles, as well as personal experiences including photography, genealogy, parenting a special-needs child and many more.


Physical education

Topics include dance, martial arts, self-defense, a variety of recreational and competitive sports and many more.

Physical education

Physical/biological science

Topics include weight management, complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), horticulture and many more.

Physical/biological science


Topics include computer networks, database systems, electrical and engineering systems and many more.


Social science

Topics include parenting, health and aging, the legislative process, working women and family lifestyles and many more.

Social science

Select your journal length

Your journal length depends on two things: the number of credits you’d like to earn and the number of subtopics you’d like to write about.

Max. credit amount Word count Subtopics
3-credit journal
3-credit journal
3-credit journal
3,000 — 4,500
3-credit journal
All 6 subtopics required
2-credit journal
2-credit journal
2-credit journal
2,000 — 3,000
2-credit journal
Choose only 4 subtopics
1-credit journal
1-credit journal
1-credit journal
1,000 — 2,000
1-credit journal
Choose only 2 subtopics

Download and follow the appropriate journal template

You won’t need to write an intro or conclusion — just follow the template we’ve set up.

        One credit: View template / View sample

        Two credits: View template / View sample

        Three credits: View template / View sample

Upload your submission

Log in to e-Campus to upload your submission.

This will include:

  • Your 500-word autobiography
    • (You’ll write this one time and include it with each journal submission.)
  • Licenses
  • Trainings
  • Other specializations

Additional things to know

You’ll write from first-person experience — no research, citations or references are needed.​​​​​​​

  • If your journal is denied credit, you may rewrite and resubmit it one time​​​​​​​.
  • Credit is granted if your journal thoroughly covers your chosen number of subtopics and is approved by our faculty evaluators.​​​​​​​

  • You may submit more than one journal for potential credit through PLA. You can earn up to a maximum of 30 credits allowed toward a bachelor’s degree and 15 credits allowed toward an associate degree.*

Enrollment representatives are available to answer your questions

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Transfer credits

Apply eligible transfer credits from an institutionally accredited university or college toward the degree of your choice.

National testing programs

If you have extensive knowledge in a specific subject, you may be able to test out of a class or two.